

Episode Summary

An Introduction to NeshamaCast: Exploring Jewish Spiritual Care Today

Episode Notes

In NeshamaCast, we will hear from a variety of Jewish chaplains in the field to share their stories describing Jewish spiritual care and why it matters. Our guests will offer their perspectives from the field on the impact Jewish chaplains have on the people we serve and related topics such as major trends in Jewish spiritual care, Jewish medical ethics, disaster chaplaincy, interfaith relations, the aging of our society, addiction and recovery and more. Please join us on our journey to bring healing to our world.

Episode Transcription

Rabbi Ed Bernstein  0:01 

Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. Lie, lie, lie. Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. Lie Lie Lie. Shalom and welcome to NeshamaCast, exploring Jewish spiritual care Today brought to you by Neshama association of Jewish chaplains. I'm your host, Rabbi Ed Bernstein.


Rabbi Ed Bernstein  0:45 

The Talmud teaches that a single caring visit to a sick person removes 1/60 of the person's illness. Every day Jewish chaplains provide their caring presence to those suffering from illnesses and various forms of spiritual distress. Jewish chaplains help reduce distress and suffering one person at a time and help the unseen feel seen. The Neshama  Association of Jewish chaplains or NAJC is the professional organization of Jewish chaplains worldwide. Professional Jewish chaplains are trained in evidence based practices of spiritual care, and they also draw from the wisdom of Jewish tradition.


Rabbi Ed Bernstein  1:43 

In NeshamaCast, we will hear from a variety of Jewish chaplains in the field to share their stories describing Jewish spiritual care, and why it matters. Our guests will offer their perspectives from the field on the impact Jewish chaplains have on the people we serve, and related topics such as major trends in Jewish spiritual care, Jewish medical ethics, interfaith relations, the aging of our society, and addiction and recovery. Please join us on our journey to bring healing to our world. The NeshamaCast exploring Jewish spiritual care is production of Neshamah Association of Jewish chaplains. 

Our theme music is the niggun  Ki anu amecha  by Rabbi Cantor Lisa Levine. Special thanks to Rabbi Drew Kaplan, and the NAJC Social Media Committee. Please help others find the show by rating and reviewing the show on iTunes. We welcome comments and suggestions for future programming at And be sure to follow NAJC on Facebook to learn more about Jewish spiritual care happening in our communities. May we all work together to heal our world.